..is still really cloudy, but I don't see any real huge particles in it. I wonder if it's gonna clear up, or stay this orangy-ish color. I've had a bit of what looks like a haze in some o my rye beers in the past, and, although this only has a single pound of rye in it, I wonder how that'll affect things. In a positive note, it's got carbonation the lies of which usually take WEEKS to settle in. So tight carb-bubble wise, it's crazy. Still tastes yeasty, but I've got a pretty good bitterness in the background, and a touch of flavor from the hops too. There's a big malt hit in the middle, and the rye, again, at just one pound, is coming through like a train. Rye is some crazy stuff.. big, big flavor impact from that grain.
In other news, here's a shot of the framework (or, some of it..) of the chicken coop I'm building here.. I spent hours on this yesterday, and some more hours today too already, and this is where I'm at so far:
Well, I'm off to put in the floor of the thing now. Went out and actually bought my first power tool today! Jigsaw. Yep. Power tool. Yay me.