So we had the first ever Krausen Comando's meeting June 13th, 2010. It was *epic*. Had a few brews of home-made persuasion that were pretty good, and tasted the first (I think) Hefe from Cambridge, which the owner (Steve) was kind enough to bring up for us, gratis. Nice fellow, that Steve! Our sorta official home base is, of course, the Cambridge House on Main in Torrington.. and they treated us well.
..which included a tour! Check this out.. one of the serving tanks located in the never-before-seen basement. And man, they'll let just about anyone in, won't they?
In addition, a couple days ago me and the fam went into NYC to catch a ballet and the Central Park Zoo. The kids navigated and got us there in one piece..
..and when we were there, Cecily got to go dancing at the NY Ballet with a legit ballerina. Check it:
..and afterwards, we hit up Chelsea Brewing Co. for a few beers and dinner. The beers were awesome.. esp. the "Summer Ale", which although an uninspiring name, was a totally inspiring beer. Really well done. I should definitely figure out what that combo of hops was that they used, because it just flat out worked.
Honest.. I only had two. That one there in the picture is the Black Hole Stout, a rather big hitter that medaled at GABF a few times. Well done! The Summer Ale was way better, though.
In other news, I just barely got in under the wire for a homebrew comp that I entered with Tim and Geoff. I piggybacked a couple beers in a box with theirs on their way to the Ohio Beer Week competition. I sent in a 2007 vintage Imperial Stout to this thing, as it was one of the only things I had in bottles that I thought stood a chance of doing well. This beer was brewed with Pete W. *way* back in the day, before I may even have known most of the Commandos. Geoff entered a Scottish 80, I believe it was and Timmay threw in a DIPA of some variety. We'll see how we do.
Got some other updates to do later, but have to wait till tomorrow I think...