And then there's this picture of my cheese. You'll remember this beauty from last week when we stuffed 'er in the beer fridge, but I failed to get a picture of this wheel in her new home. So, here it is, the cheese wheel resting place. Check it!
It just kind of sits there on that block of wood and I'll be flipping it once a week until I decide to cut it open and dive in. It's till hangin' at 48 degrees in there and the humidity, which I suppose I should measure, you'd think would be relatively high, surrounded by all those kegs of liquid and nothing to absorb and of the humidity that is produced/trapped in there.
And this: a picture of a small sample of beer that I made with the cultured remains from the bottle of Allagash White. It fed off the tiny bit of wort from the smoked beer I did with Jody a while back... and has a huge acidic bite, followed by a tangy green apple flavor (high, uncontrolled fermentation temps), and then a hit of smoke flavor in the finish. Wacky! But, it can be done with this yeast.. perhaps in the future some time.
That's it!