Just a quick pic of the hoop house that I recovered today... figured I'd throw some plastic on it and set 'er back out on the bed and see what kind of heating action I could get out of the thing. I'd like to see some snow melt-age out there and start to dry up the soil a bit so I can get some early plants into the ground.. but gotta get through that 2 feet of snow stuck to the things.. bummer. Here's a shot of it:
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I tried something new this time and used a standard technique that a normal greenhouse assembler would have used, unlike my attempts last year.. in that I used furring strips around the edge to hold the plastic down, and hopefully this time it won't all tear up and get stupid on me. But heck, this time I'm using real MAN SIZED plastic, nto flimsy painters plastic.. this is good, think material. There's also two layers of it, cause I couldn't *quite* get one piece to entirely cover the whole house, so the plastic overlaps about 4/5ths of the other piece of plastic. That piece of red tape is where the upper-most piece of plastic ends, and I just taped it up to keep it from flapping around in the breeze. We'll see.
The whole unit was just buried under some snow and ice, and it took quite an effort to get it unstuck. I'll have to see if next year I have the foresight to not leave the damn thing out there all winter.. that was like work.
Additionally, I scored a pack of Neseed branded Hot Cherry Peppers this morning while getting some dog food.. nice! I am trying something different with these guys.. instead of just putting these straight into the propagator, I'm putting these little guys into a small plastic tupperware container on top of a damp piece of paper towel.. and whatever decides to germinate will get popped into a propagator tray afterwards. I think it's going to be more work this way than it would have been otherwise, but I wanna try this method out, as I think it will be more useful with iffy seeds that I'll plant in the future.. you know, to check viability of things and all without wondering what's going on under the dirt that you can't see.