This here is my good friend Jody's beer. It's labeled as a Christmas Beer. It appears to be a bottle conditioned beast, based on the yeast on the bottom of the bottle. It should be noted here up front that Jody is a master brewer, well known in the competition circles, and a multi-medal winner. As a result, I expect only great things from this bottle of beer.
On with the show! On popping the cap, I've got a huge pop from the carbonation. I almost fear a gush of foam, but none appears. (Jody, watch for bottle bombs! This was a big bang!) I pour as best I can, but get a just a bit of yeast sediment in the glass. It's still very clear.. not quite perfect, but definitely see through. It's got a bit of a haze, but not much. The bubbles are really big on the foam, which doesn't last long.
The aroma brings a good size hit of lemon or lemongrass. Smells delicious! There's also something else here I can't immediately place, but the flavor soon tells me it's cloves. Jody, am I right? I expect a full followup with recipe and directions in a comment! :-) I'd say this beer is drinkable, as I finish it *way* too fast. As a master brewer, Jody doesn't hit you with a big slap to the face of over-the-top spices.. it's just right, and oh-so-drinkable. Then SNAP, it's gone! Just like that. I reminisce over a good clove finish, with a curious lemon flavor in a Christmas beer. Christmas beer? I dunno... damn good one? Sure! I'd recommend this to a friend in a heartbeat.
Thanks Jody! That was awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliments. The recipe for this brew includes the comments " Served young, it is an explosion of fruit, hops, and spice. If allowed to mature a year or two you'll have an ale of immense complexity and depth"
I think this brew is three years old. It should be more correctly referred to as a Grand Cru Style Strong Ale with an abv of 8.5%
It includes Hallertau Hops, Tettnang Hops, and Saaz Hops. Spices include corrianer and orange peel.
And the funny thing is this recipe is right under your nose. Page 237 of " The Brewmasters Bible "
I brewed this beer in my infancy . I will probably brew it again soon as I have surely progressed as a brewer.
You inspired me to crack a bottle open tonight. I totally agree with the opening comments. I can detect how this brew has matured over the years. It is now definitely a complex brew.
I only have three bottles left.
Thank you for the kind words.
jody - can you save me a brew. mike says i'll like it.... but if they are already spoken for i understand