Here's a beer review for Jody's new IPA. I got a 12oz and a 22oz bottle from him the other day, filled with his new beer gun thingy. He says he loves it. It seemed to have carbonation, too.. so I guess the damn thing even works, to boot. It might be a little low on the carbs side.. but it was his first use of this beer gun, so I'll cut him some slack.
Here's a shot of it in action:
He even used his fancy new labeling machine to put those labels on there all straight and stuff. Beautiful work, Jody! Did you employ that guy from Hillside Brewing to design those ones too, like everyone else in town is doing?
Anyway, The beer poured from the bottle with carbonation, but not much in the way of foam.. kinda petered out really quick. get a whiff of what smells like honey in the initial aroma, but I think that's just the hops in there. Still, smelled of honey for just a bit after the first pour. It's a hazy yellow/orange color... appropriate for a highly hopped IPA. The malt is readily apparent, and is fairly big. Somewhere between a Dogfish 60 and 90 minute. I believe Jody said he was shooting for a 60 minute clone with this. I think it's a bit more malty than 60 minute.. but definitely less than 90 which makes it ever so much more drinkable. And drinkable it is, as this poor little 12oz'er didn't last much more than 5 minutes. Totally delicious stuff right here. A definite treat! Nothing in the way of defects I can taste here.. well, I do see this beer was packaged in a Michelob bottle. Which means, did Jody actually drink a Michelob to get this bottle? Hmm.. some things better left unanswered, I think..
Next time, I'll be workin' a review on Geoff's Porter.. poor guy left a 22oz in my fridge when he came over the other day, and now it's gonna suffer my wrath. In addition, I've still got Ubuntu Linux running on my old crusty laptop here, and it's a heck of an OS. I'm liking it. Way faster than Windows XP was on there.. I'll have to write about that in the future too..
That's all for now. Keep clicking the Google Ads link there to the right, you cheapskates!
i got the gun for my birthday from the rents! still gearing up for the first test...