And it's down! The Dunkel is down! Survived since December, it passed away last night after a *difficult* fight to the end.. but alas, she's gone. Following in 'er footsteps, a standard American Pale ale, with no sourness at all embedded inside. Some of you will find that refreshing, I'm sure.. (ahem, Sarah!)
Still waiting for some pics to come back so I can do a post on the brew session with Will Siss, where another newbie was thrown into the homebrew fire for the first time. We'll see if he's hard core and sticks around for a bit.. ;)
In other news, not beer related, the Boss picked up an Apple TV the other day at the West Farms store. We've been goofing with it a bit as-is to see how it goes.. but today, I think I'm going to hack it with the Boxee install so I can get Hulu feeds and stff on there. I'll report back on how this things goes (The Boxee install..) as time goes on. The ultimate plan is to completely ax the cable wire in the wall and run cable free. We'll see how that goes...
Oh, that Will Siss is hard core alright.
ReplyDeleteI think your opinion my be biased. ;) Where's those pics!