So here's the little scrubs (all five of 'em..) hanging out around the feeder. It took me about an hour to get the temp adjusted just right in the box for them.. I mean, I had the temp set just right to what I thought was going to be ideal (95 degrees is the published norm for first weeker's..), but when I got them in there, the Barred Rock's were clearly irritated by the high temps and were starting to pant a bit. The others seemed a bit sluggish, but weren't panting, so I jacked the heat lamp up about 4 inches and everything changed for the better really quick. Now, they're happy as pie and doing quite well. It looks like they seem happiest with about a 90-93 degree temp spread as measured at the bottom of the box.
Here's a closeup shot of a few of the buggers. The Black one is one of the Barred Rock's, and I can't tell from this pic which of the three orange colored beauties is the sole Golden Comet.. You sorta need to see their faces in order to tell the Comet apart from the two Rhodey's... The Comet is a bit fluffier and maybe a smidgen larger than the Reds... but we're talking about a gram or two larger. Hardly noticeable. Plus, the Comet doesn't have the same somewhat darker orange stripe of fluff down the back of the head as the Reds do.
In non-chicken related news, I came home to try and pull a pint of the Pale Ale I made with Jody a while back, only to find FOAM about an inch into the process as the keg breathed it's last.

Well, looks like I'm off to the park with the family, so while I'm doing that, you cheapskates can start clicking the Google Ad to your right there, and bring in the $$$'s for me. Get to it!
The chickens look great! I've got the barbecue ready to go whenever you're ready.