So, like so many other things in my life I get involved in for the most minuscule of reasons, I took up baking today. What?!? How, you ask? Well, I like the bagels at Stop and Shop. I like Dunkin' Doughnuts bagels too. But the darn things only last for about 2-3 days before they turn to solid rock, so you really can't buy a good supply of them, and I just *need* a bagel for a bagel, egg and cheese sandwich in the morning. I live for those things. So, I get to thinking.. "what's it take to make a bagel?" and then it's all downhill from there. From someone who thinks it's a challenge to get more than one food group on a plate at the same time for a meal, this is really an undertaking.
As it turns out, they're not that difficult to make, really. And hell, it involves yeast, so I'm halfway through the battle.. my beer making skillz make yeast ranching a breeze for me!
A bit of flour, some salt, yeast, water, mixing and.. wait, boiling? Damn, that works for beer making too. See? Bagels are a natural progression for a home brewer after all. Then, a short trip to the oven to seal the deal and you're done. I even poppy seeded, Kosher salted, and sesame seed the things to give 'em that "everything bagel" sort of theme. I should have taken some pics, but I failed. Next time! These didn't turn out perfect, so they're really not pic worthy, but the next ones, after a short tweak to the recipe, I think might be. Then, I'll post more on the process. Can't wait till morning to try these babies out!
In other news, this is a pic of the chicken coop door thingy for the chicken ingress and egress to the outside of the cage world.

This one is a pic of the caged in portion framework that's getting framed out now.. we're getting really close now. Got one of my boyz hooking me up with some vinyl flooring for the coop floor and then we'll bolt on the roof. Still no chickens, though. I was hoping this week, but it looks like it might be next week now.. rats.
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