Lots'a feathers coming in here. Most of the wing feathers are in, and the tail feathers are pretty good too.
This is a beer my Dad gave to me. Try it, he says. Better than most German pils than I've had recently, but didn't really stand out in a crowd. Didn't have that typical corn/almost skunk that a lot of these green bottles seem to have..

Speaking of winners, though.. went to Jody's yesterday and have a pint of the One Bean Bitter that we brewed together. WOW! What a beer! He's already got his on tap.. mine is still a few weeks away from comin' up here... but man, what a brew that was! Really spectacular. I'll get a better review when I get mine online and make it official.
In chicken coop news. Big news! Check this out:
A roof! And..
A window! Oh, snap! That window is actually a double pane of plexiglass that I stuck in there inside the plywood. the plywood is routered in to set the plexi in about 1/8th of an inch. Thanks to my boy Rob K. for the router! Couldn't have done it otherwise. Go buy lots of coffee from his shop there at Plymouth Roasting Co., eh?
Ok, I think that's all I got for the moment...
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