This is the new, bestest thing for breakfast here in my house. The two scrambled egg and shredded cheese, salsa covered and hotsause infused breakfast burrito. It is *awesome*. And no, I did not make that tortilla. I tried and failed in the past at that.. I know my limitations now, and tortillas are one of them.
My snow blower is broken again. The new drive chain is still on order.. but since that's hopefully gonna get fixed, the spark seems to have just given up the ghost just now.. and I was *almost* done, too. I also have no adequate shovel with which to shovel the deck or front walk.. so that project failed utterly.
I'm going to go make some bread to attempt to cheer myself up.
OK, so.....i will fix your snowblower and/or provide you an adequate replacement. I have been really busy. We are moving this weekend (which meens closer to you) so after the move i will have a chance to get you squared away. Hopefully the weather will hold off until then.