Friday, January 22, 2010

Pizza and Hot sauce..

Made my first pizza from scratch.. well, three pizza's from scratch, including the dough. Two came out edible, one got into he garbage when it ticked me off and got stuck to the peel. But the dough was made 68% hydration with 1/8th cup of olive oil from a Reinhart recipe I found online. It was *really* easy to shape the dough. Probably too easy, really. It was very stretchy. The mozzarella could have been easier to slice, I guess.. our slicer/dicer for cheese kinda stinks, but here's a before and after



It was fun and tasty. I'll definitely do this again. I've heard grilling them is also a trip, so I'll be looking into that as well. In other news, here's another thing:

A gallon of Franks Original killed, just under three months time. Delicious!

That's all.. carry on.

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