Friday, February 19, 2010


Strange. I drank this beer and forgot to post on it..

Yeah, so there's this weird guy on the label of Blue Point Brewing's RastafaRye.. kinda creeps me out. It's described as  Rye beer, and that's about the sum of it. I want to like Rye, as a grain. I use it, or, rather, try to use it in a lot of my beers, and in my breads for that matter.. but I'm generally not that impressed with it. I'm just *trying* to be impressed with it. I think I may have found its calling, but it's in a Stout I make.. and a Chocolate Rye stout at that, so it kinda get's buried a bit.. in this beer here, that's not the idea.. the rye is supposed to be front and center. But, it isn't really. You do not drink this beer and say "Oh, snap! Here comes the rye!" it just ain't like that. Not that it's a bad beer.. it's just not that fantastic. It's rather.. err.. average. Except in it's abv% which is like, 7.5%.. totally uncalled for in this beer, really. Sad to have to be so blunt, but there it is.

Brewing with Pete tomorrow. Need a pale ale in the worst way. I'm starting to get complaints from the guests and management that there's "nothing normal to drink" on any of the taps. Sissies! In Germany, most of my lineup would be considered perfectly normal! Yeah, we're not in Germany.. ok, I'll brew a pale ale. This is three weeks in a row now, brewing. Life is good. :)

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