OK, I got a new card reader, so now I've got some more pics to share. Good thing, too.. some testing in action and wanted to document it all. As you know, I got a self watering seed propagator late last year that I didn't get to use for last years garden, but I'm set up with it now.
The Super Seven propagator, set up and running a few days ago.. |
As a test, I put some Roma Tomato seeds, some basil and two peppers, Habanero and Jalapeno's into their own propagating container. I put 'em on the self watering tray thingy with the wicking mat and left 'em be.
Roma's in this one.. self-watering mat seen underneath |
Supposedly, the Roma's and Basil would be the first to sprout in 7-10 days, which will be in 2-5 days from when I type this.. surprisingly, however, the Basil and Roma's both popped in just 4 days. Yikes!
Look a little spindly to me.. |
..perhaps the day that went by when these weren't under lights was too much for 'em? |
I also got that lamp setup for Christmas.. I know it's too early in the season for seed starting, but I can't help myself.. I wanna play with these toys. Check it:
The whole propagator and lamp rig as it now sits.. |
I also wanna know that it can successfully be done and that come March, I won't try seeds again and FAIL, and have had no practice in doing these things up beforehand. So, I did this test.. I'll end up tossing these plants in the next few weeks or so, and starting again in a couple months or so.. but it'll be good for a test run to see how it goes, I figure.
Its a really wonderful Blog. LED Grow Lights are environment friendly.As they save energy more than traditional lights.