Just had a bit of a snow dusting last night. they were calling for 3-7" of it, so I threw some plastic sheeting over the top of the bed that doesn't have a hoop covering it and held it down with some bricks. As it turns out, all unnecessary.. merely an inch of snow at best landed out there, and it's mostly already gone as of this morning.
In other news, the onion "sets" I'm trying to grow are coming up like gangbusters, and the very first Roma tomato's have poked their heads up through the soil-less mix in the propagator.. we're getting close now! Lookin' forward to getting some of these plants out of my house and into the greenhouse.. I need more space under the lights! :)
Here's some pics of the babies:
Roma's just peeking out.. bad pic! |
Fatalii's gettin' huge! |
I also have decided to keep the green jute twine for the dividers in my SFG setup.. I was looking for a way to replace them with a more visible and solid divider that wouldn't droop like the lines do when they stretch.. but I like the ability to move the lines around if I need to get in there and not disturb the surrounding area, like would be a problem if I had solid connected dividers. I was going to work some kind of self-tensioning thing together, with maybe some weights that would pull the lines taught as they stretched, but then I came up with another ingenious and simple remedy.. just don't tie a knot in one end of the damn string and pull it tight if it get's slack and wrap the thing tight around itself to keep it down. What the! Well, hey, it works.. sometimes, the simplest things..
Onions, in need of a haircut. |
That's all for now..
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