Thursday, April 15, 2010

2010 hop crop... comin' up!

Just a quick one today to chronicle the 2010 hop crop. I dug up and gave away two of my plants a couple weeks ago, and so I'm down to growing just two this year.. 4 was too much, and I never used 'em and the maintenance was too high. Decided to drop back to my two favorites and grow te heck out of them, hopefully. We're doing just Nugget and Cascades this time around. Check these pics of the 'power pyramid' trellis thingy (as w've started calling these triangle things I built..) they'll be growing on this year..

Here's a shot of the Cascades just popping up:

This here is the entire setup for the Nugget plant..

Sweet placards I made up for 'em, eh?

And finally, the Cascades whole pyramid  trellis.

I like the look at stability of this idea.  hope it works. In futre blogs, we'll chronicle the growth of the plants and how I'm going to string the twine for them to grow on.. I've got a couple ideas in mind, and I might try something different with each one to see how they work. Stand by on that..

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