Friday, October 15, 2010

Mickey's garlic and some updates...

My horseradish is *still* getting murdered by these damn cabbage worms.. *sigh*.

It's even sadder now, since this photo was taken a few days ago. Those things are ferocious out there..

The hops are also keeled over now, but that's just the normal course of business for them for this time of year. Check 'em out:

Everything else is doing much better. Stuff in the hoop house is still growing.. I've got several true leaves on all the lettuces and the arugula's now.. the radishes are up with a vengeance. The mint is also doing quite well, since I thought that plant was on it's way out for some reason. But, it's back and happier than ever now..

Also, me and the kids went on a field trip to Mickey's garlic place in New Hartford. Here's a couple shots of his greenhouses and stuff:

Kinda rustic in spots but, apparently, this guy is sort of a big thing around these parts. He's the only person I've heard of that grows big amounts of garlic around here that you can use for seed garlic, because it hasn't been treated with anything weird or chemically. I'll still probably plant some organic garlic of a different variety from the store in a plot out back, but I don't have as much hope for that as I do with this stuff from Mickey's place. I know his garlic will work just fine, because it's already acclimatized to our area and be pretty much ready to go. Speaking which, I got a hand full of these guys from him, German hard-neck White bulbs:

I got about 30 or so cloves of these guys to let loose in the beds. I'll plant 'em up next week or so, when the rain let's up a bit.. stay tuned!

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