Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Abid Clever brewer and another egg..


So, the new Abid Clever coffee dripper/brewer arrived yesterday, just before I left for work. I was just able to put it through it's first run just a couple hours ago, and man, am I impressed! I did a 15 gram brew for a standard 9oz mug, and it was *bright*, really bright, and had huge flavor. I did an identical brew with the same amount of coffee to water ratio in one of my vacuum pots and the resulting cup was also very delicious, but notably less "powerful" in the cup.. as if I had used less coffee (which, as mentioned, I did not..) and a pretty fair ammount LESS of bright acidity in the cup. It was a faulous cup of coffee in it's own right, but just radically *different*. The vacuum cup was actually what I'd consider a normal strength cup.. the Abid brew was actually sort of "over the top". And that's something, coming from me! It's exciting news to me, because it shows that, with the same bean, I can emphasize or de-emphasize certain charecteristics based upon what I want the cup to taste like.. sorta like "do I feel like brewed coffee this time, or an espresso?" i.e. same coffee, different result, because of brew method.

One disssapointing aspect? Packaging! I bought this from Spronomy, in PA, and the crazy bastards put a label on it and sent it off in the box it's supposed to be on the store SHELF in.. no other packaging in sight. Check it out:

In that photo, I'm pointing to a large dent in the box.. but you can also see the bottom of the box is just bursting open, about to let the brewer fly free into the Post Office room floor. Un-sat!

Here's a pic of the thing in hand:

 In this one, I'm pointing to the Sweet Maria's logo on the side, a well known and respected green-bean re-seller. Weird how it's on my particular brewer, since I didn't order it from them, though..

I'll get some more brewing tips and info, and maybe an action shot or two in a later post, when I learn a bit more about this thing. Stand by for that...

In chicken news, I'm sort of expecting another egg today.. I'm thinking it's an every other day sort of project for my R.I. Red so far, and I'm sort of thinking we're gonna get another one today. I was just out in the garage a second ago, when I heard an amazing cackling song from one of the birds.. I turned to check it out, and found the one egg laying Red was in the coop, fussing about in the nest, arranging feathers and wood shavings in there. She had sung this fantastic song, and I think it's the famed "egg song" I've heard so much about.. she's still out there messing around in the box, and no egg yet, but we'll see how that goes.

I also just switched 'em all over to layer feed, too. Maybe that'll help the process as well..

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